CCP utilizes an automated concrete batching system that includes underground storage bins for sand and stone whereby a traveling material hopper collects and delivers these materials to a two cubic-yard horizontal shaft paddle mixer via cable driven hoist. These materials are delivered to the mixer simultaneously with cement delivered via screw-augers from large cement silos. Lastly, water and admixtures are injected into the mixer before the batching process begins. At maximum production the batch plant can produce a two cubic-yard batch every 6 minutes. Forklifts are used to transport large concrete buckets to the various production areas.

Both Main Bay & Specialty Bay production areas are equipped with large overhead cranes used for multiple purposes including set-up, pouring, stripping, storing and loading concrete products. The Main Production Bay is where most of the standard drainage and sewer products are fabricated while the Specialty Production Bay is where larger, design/build products are fabricated such as box culvert, large vaults, meter pits, trench drains, large endwalls, etc. The Main Production Bay is equipped with (2) 10 Ton and (1) 7.5 Ton overhead cranes while the Specialty Production Bay is comprised of a 300’ long gantry that allows (2) 30 Ton overhead cranes to travel both inside and outside of the production building allowing transport of these structures for storage, finishing and loading/delivery operations. A smaller 5,000 SF building houses a 3-ton overhead crane for production of smaller products.

CCP utilizes various traveling material handling equipment for the transport and loading of finished concrete products. Both telescopic handlers and conventional mast forklifts are used for moving product daily from the production areas and storing and loading finished products for delivery. Larger/heavier structures are loaded by overhead crane under the outside gantry. CCP has a fleet of tractor/trailers and straight trucks equipped with knuckleboom articulating cranes for off-loading structures at jobsites. All products are finished in a staging area where polysteps, trash racks, orifice plates and other accessory items are installed, as well as, interior and exterior coatings as required. The final step in the loading/delivery process is stenciling product with various CCP stencils including customer name, project name and structure number.

CCP has a separate Steel Fabrication & Welding facility where reinforcement cages are fabricated for various products. The steel fabrication shop utilizes shearing and welding equipment for rebar and wire mesh cage fabrication, as well as foam cutting equipment for producing hole formers and other shapes required to create pipe openings, orifices and weirs. The steel fab and weld shop is where forms or molds used in production are fabricated and repaired, as well as aluminum and steel trash racks, orifice plates and other types of grates that are accessories to many types of structures.